Key points:
- Top Ships is up 1,900% so far today
- Or, we can say down 5%, or even down 50% in 24 hours
- Which are we more interested in, real or nominal prices?
Top Ships (NASDAQ: TOPS) stock price is all over the place and we can variously describe it as down 90% over the past 12 months, up 1,900% today premarket, or even down 50% in the past 24 hours. All of those numbers are true for a given definition of truth. Which is one of those little difficulties we always have – that differentiation between real and nominal numbers. The point being that it's only changes in real valuations and prices which make us money – changes in nominal prices can confuse but they're not profitable.
Top Ships runs oil tankers and that's, in itself, something of a little tale. Sure, it's a small company, 1.4 million deadweight tonnes in the fleet, 5 Suezmax, two VLCCs and a few much smaller vessels. That the stock price has been falling so badly at a time of a booming tanker market isn't all that great a sign to be honest. That massive change to which oil goes where as a result of sanctions we might think should have boosted matters.
The effect of that 90% TOPS stock price fall though is that it has fallen below the NASDAQ $1 minimum offer price rule. So, something must be done and something has been done. There's been a reverse stock split – a consolidation to Brits. Here simply that what used to be 20 pieces of stock is now one. A 20 for one reverse split that is. This should not change – not directly at least – the market capitalisation of the company nor the value of any individual holding. It just changes the number of pieces of paper that make up that holding or capitalisation.

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So, we've a 20 for 1 reverse stock split and the price rise should be 2,000%. But it is only that 1,900%, so we could say that TOPS is 5% down on the action. But that would be to miss the slightly earlier period. TOPS also fell 9 cents yesterday, for a 44% fall. So, a better valuation over 24 hours would be that Top Ships is down some 50%. Which, as a response to an action to keep the NASDAQ quotation is really pretty bad.
As to why such reverse stock splits this is entirely fashion. The New York markets just think – for whatever reason – that a solid and dependable stock should be in the $10 to $100 range. That this is just fashion is shown by London's similar range being £1 to £10. This is why ADRs of London stocks are so often 10 pieces of the London stock – to be in that “good” price range on both markets.
NASDAQ and the NYSE also seem to think that penny stocks are the preserve of rogues and charlatans – so, penny price stocks lose their listings on those markets. In order to retain the listing something must be done – the reverse stock split.
It is fair to say though that it's unusual for a reverse stock split which then retains a NASDAQ listing to cause a 50% real value loss. TOPs has managed that and Hurrah! for TOPS really.