Every parent wants to set their children up for success right from the get-go. But which baby names are more likely to result in a prolific child?
We at Ask Traders decided to conduct some in-depth analysis to uncover the most successful names. We analysed over 300 CEO’s from some of the most successful companies across the globe including Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Rolls Royce and Amazon.
We compared the names with Adzuna’s salary data to find out which names earn the most money. We then ranked the names by popularity and the average earnings of people with the same name.
But as trends change so do baby names. We found the most popular baby names of 2020 and cross-referenced our data to find the names of babies born in 2020 that are most likely to be successful and earn the most.
Michael’s More Likely To Become CEOs
Of the 300 companies that we analysed, the most popular names amongst male CEO’s were Michael, Mark and David. Each with 7 CEO’s flying the flag for the name. This signals not only the success associated with becoming a CEO but the popularity of the name within the role.
But when we look at the average salary earned, the name John comes up top. Our data reveals that John’s earn an average salary of £50,849 which is the highest average salary. Whilst the name may be less likely to result in becoming a CEO, the data shows that John’s are likely to earn more.
Name | Number of CEO's | Average Salary |
Michael | 7 | £42,673.00 |
Mark | 7 | £38,663.00 |
David | 7 | £28,767.00 |
John | 6 | £50,849.00 |
Steve | 5 | £42,441.00 |
Simon | 5 | £38,149.00 |
Peter | 5 | £41,617.00 |
James | 5 | £41,250.00 |
Daniel | 5 | £42,204.00 |
Paul | 4 | £38,826.00 |
Mary’s More Likely To Become CEOs
Where Michael was our most popular male CEO name, Mary ranks first for the female CEO’s. But with the average salary of £42,746 the runner up Robin is not far behind, earning an average of £45,426 and coming in second place in popularity too.
So if you hear of any 2020 babies named Michael, John, Mary or Robin. They are the ones to watch.
Name | Number of CEO's | Average Salary |
Mary | 4 | £42,746.00 |
Robin | 2 | £45,426.00 |
Beth | 2 | £27,843.00 |
Zandra | 1 | £28,888.00 |
Tricia | 1 | £30,142.00 |
Teresa | 1 | £26,894.00 |
Phoebe | 1 | £38,888.00 |
Penny | 1 | £31,977.00 |
Pamela | 1 | £29,476.00 |
Nancy | 1 | £33,192.00 |
But will these names be popular in 2020? We extended our analysis to look into baby name trends for 2020…
As we evaluated the top five names for gender-neutral, female and male babies there were some very clear pop culture trends alongside those destined for success.
Jude, meaning ‘praise’, came top of the gender-neutral names with an average salary of £39,792. This was closely followed by Max with £37,180. Although traditionally a shortened version of Maximilian or Maxine, Max is now earning its place as a name in its own right, and it looks like they are going to be successful.
Name | Average Salary |
Jude | £39,792.00 |
Max | £37,180.00 |
Ellis | £30,083.00 |
Rowan | £30,040.00 |
Evelyn | £29,714.00 |
But the success does not stop there, the celebrity trend for baby names in 2020 means Billie’s, Eve’s and Ariana’s are en route for success too with average earnings ranging from £29,553 to £40,789. The nods to singers Billie Eilish and Ariana Grande show the effects pop culture has on trends and it doesn’t stop with music.
Name | Average Salary |
Billie | £40,789.00 |
Eve | £39,952.00 |
Austin | £39,679.00 |
Ariana | £29,553.00 |
Ivy | £22,875.00 |
TV takes over the top male names with Tommy and Arthur reflecting the popularity of Peaky Blinders alongside the highest average salary earner, Logan. The latter could be influenced by world-renowned YouTuber Logan Paul whose name comes with an average salary of £45,394 and champions the success of all those Logans born in 2020.
Name | Average Salary |
Logan | £45,394.00 |
Eric | £44,549.00 |
Freddie | £43,905.00 |
Arthur | £40,644.00 |
Tommy | £35,197.00 |
If you’re due a baby in 2020 or think there may be one on the way will you name them for success?
This data set cross-references over 300 of the top global companies and their current CEO’s names, with ONS top baby names and predicted future baby names. These names were then matched with Adzuna data to show the average salary earned by individuals of said names, as per Adzuna’s CV data. The overall data set then shows the most successful names (by CEO matches), by the average salary of given names.
Names of CEOS | https://www.forbes.com/companies/icbc/?list=global2000#7e7afa501679 |
List of companies and CEOs | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_chief_executive_officers#List_of_CEOs |
Top male baby names 2018 | https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/ livebirths/datasets/babynamesenglandandwalesbabynamesstatisticsboys |
Top female baby names 2018 | https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/livebirths/ datasets/babynamesenglandandwalesbabynamesstatisticsgirls |
Glassdoor | https://www.glassdoor.co.uk/Award/Top-CEOs-UK-LST_KQ0,11.htm |
Female CEOs in fortune 500 Companies | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_women_CEOs_of_Fortune_500_companies |
Average salary | https://www.adzuna.co.uk/jobs/value-my-name |
The best performing CEOs in the world, 2019 | https://hbr.org/2019/11/the-ceo-100-2019-edition |
LinkedIn Occupation scrape | https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/people/?facetNetwork= %5B%22F%22%2C%22S%22%2C%22O%22%5D&keywords=CEO&origin=FACETED_SEARCH &page=10 |
Gender neutral names | https://www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk/littleextras/baby/18-gender-neutral-baby-name-ideas/?wgu=2487_54264_15742461102953_b9a449c2ee&wgexpiry=1576838110&utm_source= webgains_jojo&utm_medium=22278&utm_campaign=54264& ;utm_term=Skimbit%20LTD&wgu=2487_54264_15762495095013_95fc352c12&wgexpiry= 1578841509&utm_source=webgains_jojo&utm_medium=2227 8&utm_campaign=54264&utm_term=Skimbit%20LTD |
Top baby names 2020 | https://nameberry.com/blog/top-baby-names-2020 |