AIM-quoted firm Mobile Streams (LON: MOS) has seen its shares gain after announcing that it has launched its LiveScores football 365 service in Mexico in partnership with Quanta Media Group.
Mobile Streams said it is utilising the Quanta content and MOS delivery platform, and it is expected to “add additional revenue to the MOS business in the first year of some US$140,000 (£100,000) and to grow significantly thereafter.”
The revenue is generated through a mixture of revenue share with Quanta and subscription payments via the current MOS billing contract with the Mexican phone network Telcel.
Nigel Burton, a Non-Executive Director at Mobile Streams, said: “In launching this service with QMG we are once again delivering on our plan. After rescuing the business in late 2019, launching a completely new Streams Data service platform in 2020, growing its revenue over 300% this year and signing significant service partnerships we are now reinvigorating the legacy business.”
In a separate announcement made earlier in the day, Mobile Streams announced the appointment of Robert Moore, 63, as Non-Executive Chairman of the Company and Rama Uthayanan, 61, as Finance Director.
The company's current Chairman, Charles Goodfellow, will revert to being a Non-Executive Director.
Mobile Streams' share price has gained 9.45% so far in today's session, trading at 0.241p.
Should you invest in Mobile Streams shares?
Mobile Streams shares are traded on the London stock exchange's AIM market (the alternative investment market), which is the submarket specifically for smaller companies. AIM stocks are attractive to investors as they have tax advantages and smaller companies have the potential to benefit from rapid growth. But are MOS shares the best buy? Our stock market analysts regularly review the market and share their picks for high growth companies