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The Ironsource Stock Price Surged 54%+ on the Merger With Unity Games
Key points: The Ironsource stock price surged 54%+ on the merger with Unity Games. The transaction has attracted positive comments from game develo

Why Hemogenyx (HEMO) Share Price Was Unmoved on New R&D Facility
Key points: The Hemogenyx share price remained stuck despite moving into a new building. Investors were unimpressed by the announcement since it wa

Further Institutional Involvement in the Decentralized Finance World
Key points: The US Treasury Asks For Public Views On Cryptocurrencies Bank Of England Governor Urges Crypto Regulation A Recent Stream Of Institutional Involvement In The

Humanigen Down 57% Premarket – The Covid Drug Doesn’t Work Apparently?
Key points: Humanigen's covid drug appears no better than a placebo This reverse the stock's climb in anticipation of better results The drug might still find other uses w

TDH Holdings Down 98% From Peak, Up 35% Premarket – What’s Happening Here?
Key points: TDH Holdings is down 98% from peak and up 35% premarket The trigger seems to be the withdrawal of a filing to sell stock The actual implication might not be

Why Horizonte Minerals (HZM) Shares Barely Moved On Contract Awards
Key points: The Horizonte Minerals (HZM) shares barely moved on contract awards. Investors ignored the news despite its significance to the Araguaia

Ironveld Down 10% On Placing News – Will The Share Price Recover?
Key points: Ironveld has come back to market with a capital raising placing This is to finance the purchase of the second hand smelter What matters is how that capital -

Powerhouse (PHE) Share Price Has Risen 25.6% in 5 Days. Is It a Buy?
Key points: The Powerhouse Energy share price has risen 25.6% in 5 days. The company today unveiled a new JV agreement with HUI.

The Mode Share Price Edged Lower on a £2M Fundraise. What’s Next?
Key points: The Mode share price edged 5.12% lower on a £2m fundraise. The fintech company has witnessed significant changes in its C-suite.

Ilika, IKA, Drops 9% On Final Results – What’s Next Here?
Key points: Ilika's down another 9% on final results Not a great change from the earlier trading announcement Just that no solution has yet been found to the earlier sit

The Rivian (RIVN) Stock Price Has Fallen 71.5% in 2022. Can It Recover?
Key points: The Rivian stock price has fallen 71.5% in 2022 and could be headed lower. The decline has been driven by multiple factors led by suppl

Peloton Stock Price Edges Higher on the Decision to Offshore Production
Key points: The Peloton stock price edged higher on decisions to offshore production. Investors seemed okay with the move, which could have a deepe

The Canoo (GEOV) Stock Price Soared 94% on Walmart Deal. Is It a Buy?
Key points: The Canoo (GOEV) stock rice soared 94% premarket on the Walmart deal. Investors reacted positively to the deal to deliver 4,500 EVs to

Is Planet Fitness An Inflation Proof Gym Stock?
Key points: Planet Fitness shares are down 21% in 2022 However, its membership numbers have continued to rise Could it be an inflation proof stock? or is it overvalued?

Pershing Square Tontine To Redeem – Is The SPAC Boom Over?
Key points: Pershing Square Tontine is to redeem itself at its cash value It seems they just couldn't find a worthy merger candidate in time Does this mean the SPAC boom

AFC Energy (AFC) Shares Plunged 8.61% on Executives’ Share Awards
Key points: AFC Energy shares plunged 8.61% on top executives’ share awards. Investors reacted negatively, given the significant decline in AFC sha

Versus Systems Down 99.7% From Peak, Up 75% Premarket – What Next?
Key points: Versus is down 99.7% from its price peak VS stock jumped 75% premarket What is driving this price change? Versus Systems (NASDAQ: VS)

Financial Stability Board To Propose “Robust” Global Cryptocurrencies Rules
Key points: G20 Watchdog To Recommend Global Crypto Rules In October Who Are The Financial Stability Board (FSB)? This Comes After US Treasury Published Crypto “Framework”

Petropavlovsk Finally Dies Under Sanctions Weight – What Next For The Shares?
Key points: Petropavlovsk shares are suspended, the company has asked for administration This is a result of the company's bank, Gazprombank, being sanctioned The big le

The KEFI Gold and Copper (KEFI) Share Price Surged 22.3%. Here’s Why.
Key points: KEFI shares surged 22.3% after being awarded two new exploration licences. Investors cheered the move that expanded the firm’s Saudi Ar