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The Ironsource Stock Price Surged 54%+ on the Merger With Unity Games

Key points: The Ironsource stock price surged 54%+ on the merger with Unity Games. The transaction has attracted positive comments from game develo

Simon Mugo
Why Hemogenyx (HEMO) Share Price Was Unmoved on New R&D Facility

Key points: The Hemogenyx share price remained stuck despite moving into a new building. Investors were unimpressed by the announcement since it wa

Simon Mugo
Further Institutional Involvement in the Decentralized Finance World

Key points: The US Treasury Asks For Public Views On Cryptocurrencies Bank Of England Governor Urges Crypto Regulation A Recent Stream Of Institutional Involvement In The

Steve Miley
Humanigen Down 57% Premarket – The Covid Drug Doesn’t Work Apparently?

Key points: Humanigen's covid drug appears no better than a placebo This reverse the stock's climb in anticipation of better results The drug might still find other uses w

Tim Worstall
Tim Worstall
TDH Holdings Down 98% From Peak, Up 35% Premarket – What’s Happening Here?

Key points: TDH Holdings is down 98% from peak and up 35% premarket The trigger seems to be the withdrawal of a filing to sell stock The actual implication might not be

Tim Worstall
Tim Worstall
Why Horizonte Minerals (HZM) Shares Barely Moved On Contract Awards

Key points: The Horizonte Minerals (HZM) shares barely moved on contract awards. Investors ignored the news despite its significance to the Araguaia

Simon Mugo
Ironveld Down 10% On Placing News – Will The Share Price Recover?

Key points: Ironveld has come back to market with a capital raising placing This is to finance the purchase of the second hand smelter What matters is how that capital -

Tim Worstall
Tim Worstall
Powerhouse (PHE) Share Price Has Risen 25.6% in 5 Days. Is It a Buy?

Key points: The Powerhouse Energy share price has risen 25.6% in 5 days. The company today unveiled a new JV agreement with HUI.

Simon Mugo
The Mode Share Price Edged Lower on a £2M Fundraise. What’s Next?

Key points: The Mode share price edged 5.12% lower on a £2m fundraise. The fintech company has witnessed significant changes in its C-suite.

Simon Mugo
Ilika, IKA, Drops 9% On Final Results – What’s Next Here?

Key points: Ilika's down another 9% on final results Not a great change from the earlier trading announcement Just that no solution has yet been found to the earlier sit

Tim Worstall
Tim Worstall
The Rivian (RIVN) Stock Price Has Fallen 71.5% in 2022. Can It Recover?

Key points: The Rivian stock price has fallen 71.5% in 2022 and could be headed lower. The decline has been driven by multiple factors led by suppl

Simon Mugo
Peloton Stock Price Edges Higher on the Decision to Offshore Production

Key points: The Peloton stock price edged higher on decisions to offshore production. Investors seemed okay with the move, which could have a deepe

Simon Mugo
The Canoo (GEOV) Stock Price Soared 94% on Walmart Deal. Is It a Buy?

Key points: The Canoo (GOEV) stock rice soared 94% premarket on the Walmart deal. Investors reacted positively to the deal to deliver 4,500 EVs to

Simon Mugo
Is Planet Fitness An Inflation Proof Gym Stock?

Key points: Planet Fitness shares are down 21% in 2022 However, its membership numbers have continued to rise Could it be an inflation proof stock? or is it overvalued?

Sam Boughedda
Pershing Square Tontine To Redeem – Is The SPAC Boom Over?

Key points: Pershing Square Tontine is to redeem itself at its cash value It seems they just couldn't find a worthy merger candidate in time Does this mean the SPAC boom

Tim Worstall
Tim Worstall
AFC Energy (AFC) Shares Plunged 8.61% on Executives’ Share Awards

Key points: AFC Energy shares plunged 8.61% on top executives’ share awards. Investors reacted negatively, given the significant decline in AFC sha

Simon Mugo
Versus Systems Down 99.7% From Peak, Up 75% Premarket – What Next?

Key points: Versus is down 99.7% from its price peak VS stock jumped 75% premarket What is driving this price change? Versus Systems (NASDAQ: VS)

Tim Worstall
Tim Worstall
Financial Stability Board To Propose “Robust” Global Cryptocurrencies Rules

Key points: G20 Watchdog To Recommend Global Crypto Rules In October Who Are The Financial Stability Board (FSB)? This Comes After US Treasury Published Crypto “Framework”

Steve Miley
Petropavlovsk Finally Dies Under Sanctions Weight – What Next For The Shares?

Key points: Petropavlovsk shares are suspended, the company has asked for administration This is a result of the company's bank, Gazprombank, being sanctioned The big le

Tim Worstall
Tim Worstall
The KEFI Gold and Copper (KEFI) Share Price Surged 22.3%. Here’s Why.

Key points: KEFI shares surged 22.3% after being awarded two new exploration licences. Investors cheered the move that expanded the firm’s Saudi Ar

Simon Mugo
Analysis Stocks Markets Strategies