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5 Best Green Energy Companies in Kenya

Analyst Team trader
Updated 28 May 2024

Kenya is currently ahead of the rest of Africa in terms of harnessing renewable energy sources. In addition, renewable energy has been the most important energy sector in terms of its contribution to the national energy mix.

In 2019, the country's economy went from being worthless to over USD. 1,3 billion in 2010. And not just using one method; but, in a wide range of methods, from wind and geothermal to hydropower and even biofuels.


5 Best Green Energy Companies in Kenya

Kenya's government and a number of private renewable energy firms have played critical roles in bringing about the current state of renewable energy in Kenya.

It’s important to note that Kenya is the first African nation to generate geothermal power. Furthermore, the country has more solar power systems installed per person than any other nation in Africa.

And when it comes to the cost of producing geothermal energy, Kenya is likewise in the front. First in the world to launch a carbon exchange, the country has made history.

In light of Kenya’s ground-breaking entry into the renewable energy sector, we explore the 5 best green energy companies operating in the country.

Strauss Energy

Charity Wanjiku and her brother Tony Nyagah developed solar tiles in response to Kenya's 16-hour blackouts in the late 1990s. Strauss Energy, a green energy firm, was founded by the two siblings in Kenya.

They both identified as “techies,” with Charity as the architect and Tony as the engineer. They considered the perennial problem of how to pay for basic services like water and electricity while keeping the bills paid.

Strauss Energy

She aimed to “eradicate acute energy poverty by transforming freely accessible clean energy into passive cash” by incorporating energy-generating devices into otherwise ordinary building materials like tiles.

Strauss Energy proposes to alleviate Kenya's chronic energy deficit, frequent blackouts, and unpredictable pricing, in addition to meeting the country's projected demand for 1,500 megawatts (MW) of power by 2030.

Kenya's grid now has a 2,400MW capacity, with power still being concentrated in the country's most populous areas. However, rural and desert (marginalised) areas have a lesser penetration of grid power, presenting excellent opportunity for Strauss Energy.



Faster progress toward a more sustainable society is enabled by the broad adoption of CLASP's energy- and environmentally-friendly upgrades to typical home appliances and machines.

CLASP, developed at Nairobi Garage, is the leading platform for discussing and implementing policy changes related to appliances, energy efficiency, and market acceleration.


CLASP initiatives accomplish anything from reinforcing off-grid solar technologies that offer electricity to energy-poor people to lowering the devastating climate impacts of air conditioning, all with the goal of increasing the use of affordable, low-impact, high-quality products.

CLASP serves as a focal point for the worldwide movement to increase appliance efficiency as a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and so combating climate change.

Better energy and environmental performance of commonly used appliances and equipment may help speed up the shift toward a more sustainable society.

In order to ensure that the most effective and environmentally friendly products are readily available, CLASP works in tandem with legislators, professionals, corporations, consumers, and non-profits.


ENGIE Energy Access Kenya 

With the aid of ENGIE, more than 10,000 customers in Kenya now have access to renewable energy, which has had a beneficial impact on the lives of more than 50,000 people in Kenya since the company's 2016 beginning under the name Mobisol Kenya.

When ENGIE Group merged Fenix International and ENGIE PowerCorner in 2020, the resulting company was called ENGIE Energy Access.

The acquisition has made ENGIE even more formidable, and the company is already extending its presence across Africa in preparation for the launch of its larger product line, MySol.

This company, with its headquarters in Kenya, employs more than 80 people and operates more than 10 outlets across the country. All of them are dedicated to providing outstanding service, and the superiority of their products (created in the United States and Germany) ensures that customers will keep coming back.

The UNFCCC recognised Engie's sustained and robust growth with the Momentum for Change Award.

The company is currently working on development plans into new markets and extending the variety of products it offers in order to further encourage economic and social growth in developing countries and contribute to global environmental conservation.


SOLEKTRA International 

In order to implement Akon's Lighting Africa initiative, Samba Bathily, Akon, and Thione Niang established Solektra International. According to the project's website, 1,200 solar microgrids and 100,000 solar street lights have been installed in 15 different countries.

SOLEKTRA International 

The Free Light SOL-SL01A is a solar-powered LED light that operates off a photovoltaic panel and a lithium battery, and is designed to replace oil lamps.

The Solar Academy was established by Solektra in 2015 in Bamako, Mali. The institution will upgrade its energy-related facilities in order to provide training for 200 technicians annually.


Kenya Green Supply Ltd 

Kenya Green Supply is a cutting-edge solar energy company that has been providing households with internet and digital television via solar-powered devices since 2013.

Distributing solar home systems throughout its first five months in business, the company developed, manufactured, and delivered the GreenKit in 2014.

Kenya Green Supply

In response to a market need, the company invested heavily in research and development of a ground-breaking product. Consequently, the company's new product, Allsola, was introduced in 2020.

Digital television and the Internet provide people in rural Africa the ability to better their lives via education. Instead, services and technology are often considered as unnecessary luxury items in third world countries.

Service providers in the African marketplaces of education, healthcare, and agriculture have already developed applications catering to the most basic needs of these people.

Kenya Green Supply also works with other organisations to provide their products and services to the doorsteps of those who need them most.

As such, Kenya Green Supply forms an integral part of Kenya’s booming green energy sector which will take the country to greater energy independence going forward.


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