Kenya Orchards Plc Stock Performance
The current price for Kenya Orchards Plc stocks is 10.40 Kenyan Shilling (KES). The company has a total market capitalisation of 123 million KES with a P/E ratio of 23.64 and earnings per share of 0.44 KES. A total of 12.9 million shares are outstanding.
With a decrease of earnings per share and limited profits over a period, investors who want to buy or sell Kenya Orchards Plc stocks cannot be assured of lucrative dividends and earnings in times to come.
According to an analysis on the live chart of Kenya Orchards Plc, analysts forecast should not further improved performance in the near future. This can only happen if the market share grows as trading volumes increase.
Highlights of Kenya Orchards Plc in 2021
Kenya Orchards Plc started the year with a share price of 10.50 KES, but has since lost 0.95% in value on its price valuation, ranking 31st on the NSE where year-to-date performance is concerned.
Kenya Orchards Plc is currently the 57th most-traded stock on the NSE and it has experienced a total trading volume of more than 100 shares, which were finalized in one deal and were valued at a total of 1,040 KES over three months, with an average of two shares in each trading session.
The highest volume shares traded on one single day was 100.
How to buy Kenya Orchards Plc stocks – Step by Step
The stock market is one of the most attractive financial markets that sees millions of retail investors and traders' participation daily. To buy, sell or trade Kenya Orchards Plc stocks, traders and investors can follow a few simple steps:
- Find the share that you want to buy, in this case, “ORCH”.
- Select a forex broker that offers access to the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE).
- Review the broker's trading conditions, fees, deposit and withdrawal methods, trading platform, customer support, regulation, and other components to ensure that they are aligned with your trading plan.
- Open a live trading account with the broker by completing the online application form and providing the necessary documentation to verify the trading account.
- You are now ready to make your first share purchase through the broker.
- You can further start to build and diversify your portfolio by buying more shares.