Stanbic Holdings Plc Stock Performance
The current price for Stanbic Holdings Plc stocks is 91.00 KES. The company has a total market capitalization of 35,282,456,192 billion KES, with a P /E ratio of 6.93 and earnings per share of 13.13 KES. A total of 395 million shares are outstanding.
When Stanbic Holdings Plc closed its trading day on Friday 10 September 2021 at 89.25 KES per share on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE), it experienced a 1.4% drop from its previous closing price of 90.50 KES.
In an analysis of financial data, Stanbic Holdings Plc showed that profits before tax were slightly up, indicating a growth for the company and investors.
Financial results indicated that Stanbic Holdings Plc experienced an increase of earnings per share and steady profits within the period, therefore investors who want to buy or sell Stanbic Holdings Plc stocks can look forward to profitable dividends and earnings in years to come.
According to an analysis on the live chart of Stanbic Holdings Plc, analysts forecast further improvement in performance for the Financial sector with market share to grow as trading volumes may increase.
Highlights of Stanbic Holdings Plc in 2021
Stanbic Holdings Plc opened the year with a share price of 85.00 KES, and it has gained 5 % in value on the price valuation, ranking 30th on the NSE with its year-to-date performance.
Stanbic Holdings Plc was the 44th most traded stock on the Nairobi Securities Exchange over the previous three month period from June to September 2021. During that time SBIC has traded a total volume of 195 200 shares in a total of 137 deals, which was valued at KES 18.3 million over the period, with an average of 3 098 traded shares per session. A volume high of 43 900 was achieved on 6 August in the same period.
Financial information regarding Stanbic Holdings Plc shows that the company experienced a 52 week high on its stock price of 95.25 KES and a 52 week low price of 74.00 KES. Over the 52 week period, the change was 9.85%. For the Year to date, the stock price increased with 5.00%.
How to buy Stanbic Holdings Plc stocks – Step by Step
The stock market is still one of the most popular financial markets that attracts millions of retail investors and participating traders daily. To buy, sell or trade Stanbic Holdings Plc stocks, traders and investors should follow a few easy steps:
- Select a forex broker that offers access to the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE).
- Review the broker's trading conditions, fees, deposit and withdrawal methods, trading platform, customer support, regulation, and other components to ensure that they are aligned with your trading
- Open a live trading account with the broker by completing the online application form and providing the necessary documentation to verify the trading
- Find the symbol of the share that you want to buy, in this case, ” SBIC”.
- You can start by making your first share purchase through the broker.
- You can now continue to buy more shares to build and diversify your portfolio.